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Electromagnetic Radiation; health effects of the 5G communications

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:41 pm
by Dialectic
There are immunological effects pertaining to constant microwave rad. It is said that these frequencies are absorbed by the skin and do not penetrate, that is a half truth. The epidermis absorbs this radiation in which it reaches the dermis. There are many immune functions that the skin provides, which are inevitably effected by constant absorption.

The 4G and 5G bands seem ambiguous at the moment as most claim to currently operate under 10 GHz, however the standard band for 5G is 28GHz to 90GHz.

I found it particularly interesting how O2 reacts to these frequency ranges, 60GHz seems to reach peak absorption meaning that at that frequency range it reaches its excited state, encouraging reactions with various organic compounds generally resulting in reactive oxygen species being more abundant. Which have a litany of negative effects on health and ecosystems.

Microorganisms such as bacteria see large growth rates under the environmental stress of increased microwave radiation. Which has it's own vast implications on the exhaustion of our imunesystems as well as encouraging mutations in bacteria that accelerate antibiotic resistance.

Look up active denial, that operates on 95GHz; always a nice comparison.

here is a list of peer reviewed research in regards to non ionizing electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range of 300Mhz - 90 GHz:

1) Extensive list of microwave radiatio. studies over the past 2 decades:

here is a list of peer reviewed research in regards to non ionizing electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range of 300Mhz - 90 GHz:

a. Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reductionwhich could lead to disease and impairment:

b. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields stimulation modulates autoimmunity and immune responses…

c. Combined effects of traffic and electromagnetic fields on the immune system of fertile atopic women…

d. Specific symptoms and radiation from mobile basis stations in Selbitz, Bavaria, Germany: evidence for a dose-effect relationship

e. Low intensity microwave radiation induced oxidative stress, inflammatory response and DNA damage in rat brain…

f. Microwave radiation induced oxidative stress, cognitive impairment and inflammation in brain of Fischer rats…

g. Maternal exposure to magnetic fields during pregnancy in relation to the risk of asthma in offspring…

h. Effects of exposure to GSM mobile phone base station signals on salivary cortisol, alpha-amylase, and immunoglobulin A…

i. Microwave radiation (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative stress: Whole-body exposure effect on histopathology of Wistar rats…

j. Effects of low-intensity extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation on chromatin structure of lymphoid cells in vivo and in vitro…

k. New data for proving the presence of significant effects of electromagnetic exposure (to autoimmune changes in rats)

l. Confirmation studies of Soviet research on immunological effects of microwaves…

m. Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction
which could lead to disease and impairment.

n. Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties

0. Hemoglobin levels and acute radiotherapy-induced toxicity.

p. 5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects—A Pragmatic Review Based on Available Studies Regarding 6 to 100 GHz

q. Effects of Long-Term Exposure to 60 GHz Millimeter-Wavelength Radiation on the Genotoxicity and Heat Shock Protein (Hsp) Expression of Cells Derived from Human Eye

r. Non-Ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields

s. Non-ionizing radiation, Part 1: static and extremely low-frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields.

t. Electrosmog, cellular phones, sunbeds etc. -- adverse health effects from radiation? Health aspects of non-ionizing radiation

u. Electrochemical Methods for Neuroscience.[/b]

v. Assessment of the Possible Health Effects of Ground Wave Emergency Network.

w. ICNIRP Note: Critical Evaluation of Two Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Animal Carcinogenicity Studies Published in 2018.

x. Chapter 20Telemetry for Biosensor Systems: an overview of radio frequency (RF) telemetry systems by examining the design requirements of two contrasting systems: a wireless system designed to support Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry (FSCV) and a wireless system designed to support selective biosensors.

y. Effect of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation on Body Temperature in Rodents: Pilot Studies of the National Toxicology Program’s Reverberation Chamber Exposure System

z. the averaging area for incident power density for human exposure limits at frequencies over 6 GHz

1. The Parliamentary 5G Inquiry is still open and there has been no conclusion (6). There were 537 submissions (the vast majority against 5G), including extensive submissions backed by scientific evidence from organisations such as the Oceania Radio frequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) and Environment and Communities Safe From Radiation (ECSFR).

Re: Electromagnetic Radiation; health effects of the 5G communications

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:13 am
by Dialectic
Generally lung absorption, lung damage is an attribute of ROS effect on our health. Though these frequencies do not penetrate the body, the epidermis absorbs EM rad within this band in which it reaches the dermis, having implications on our vascular system. I dont believe this subject has been examined enough to easily find these numbers; these frequencies until now have mainly been a product of microwave weapons research for over half a century. Military by nature and its findings scarcely made available to the public. In a decade FIOA may allow more access to this data..

With the concentration in mind, expansion of the networks needs to be taken into account, a tower every 150 meters seems to be the goal. I seem to imagine the process as a constant conversion mainly due to the difference in molecular weight of the products rising or falling outside of the transmission range compared to O2. As the ROS are created within the range of the transmitter it is expelled while newly activated O2 enters the range.

For the most part multiple reactants are not necessary to produce harmful Oxygen species, simply excited state dioxide reacting with dioxide. For instance "Ground-level" Ozone, "bad Ozone", (O3) seems to be a product of this reaction:
* = Excited state
02* + 02 = 03 + 0

The presence of H2O in this environment seems to give way to superoxide being a constituent of the potential reactions, in which general knowledge and research on the chemistry of the superoxide radical is somewhat scarce.

Keep in mind O2 is not the only reactant that can reach the excited state within this frequency band, it is simply the most abundant so it gathers much more focus in light of this subject. meaning that reaction potential can be mediated by switching the frequency, inducing the excited state in other molecules within the range of the transmitter. there are a plethora of variables to take into account for an accurate analysis of its potential, most of which have to do with hard data on the real-world implementation of the transmitters, which at this time is not transparent and only ~1 year of data exists.

the fact is, alot of these answers are unknown and proper research has not been done to make a conclusive safety evaluation of the potential effects. there is a valid for concern dealing with the chemistry of it all, coupled with that is the disregard for proper safety evaluations shown by our government regulators and the telecoms companies. This is something that is being installed in every neighborhood, public center, ETC. in all major cities worldwide; in my opinion it is entirely unethical to implement first and observe effects later, which is what is being done..