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Welcome to the hidden dialectics

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:55 am
by Dialectic
Feel free to create/suggest topics and boards

Re: Welcome to the hidden dialectics

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:33 am
by The Hidden
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Lady's and Gentlegerms, madame's and messieurs, freshly woken sheeple and the grand masters of the keyboard truth cannon, fact finders extraordinaire's and My dear fellow truth warriors and the best bunch of people you could ever hope to meet and have on your Virtual side the Peep's

On behalf of myself and the rest of the team from the The Hidden & The Daily Dialectic's I would like to say a big WELCOME to you one and all to The Hidden Dialectic's, Feel FREE to Pull up a mental pew seat and enjoy the show coming to you Live and direct from the circus of our mind's, So please make yourself comfortable relax & unwind and rest your digitised travellers bones for you have arrived at your destination, The Hidden Dialectic's is the home of zero censorship video hosting and free p2p messaging service's, public discussion boards where you can post full documents in their entirety and any information you want to get out there, you can even setup your own discussion boards and create new topics that are visible to all members and guest to view, so if anyone else or even you or I have have the answer. we can share the information which will collectively help you & me & anyone else to find the right solutions to the daily problems that we all collectively seek,

From the bottom of my heart i wish you all health and happiness, long life and love to fill your day's and heart's and Live's with.


Please use this link to go to the video's section and add anything you want with a brief title and description, (Optional) viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6

The Daily Dialectics home page
The Hidden home page

please feel free to like and share and comment on all post articles and videos on either site as both contain different material so dig deep there is a wealth of hidden knowledge just hidden between the coding of the pages